Recently I saw a page somewhere that shows the top xx WordPress themes that are ideal for showing a live-stream or other types of video. Unfortunately the URL's to these themes mostly didn't work anymore, so I thought I just steal the idea, look for more recent themes that are suited, and put them all […]
Knowledge Base
- Build a Nginx+Ffmpeg adaptive bit rate HLS live-stream server on Ubuntu 22.04
- Create a secure adaptive bit-rate HLS stream with Nginx/RTMP/Ffmpeg on Ubuntu 20.04 (2021)
- Spawn a localhost nginx live-stream server on Windows with HLS and Dash within 10 minutes!
- Setup a Nginx RTMP live-stream server & HLS video-player with Wordpress on Ubuntu
- Get started on running your own VPS in under 5 minutes
- Build a live-stream server on Ubuntu 18.04
- How to setup Nginx+RTMP live stream server
- Stream a local mp4 file over RTMP using FFMpeg
- Using FFmpeg in listen mode to make it a stand-alone RTMP server
- FFmpeg command to convert MP4 to HLS ABS formats for streaming
- Use FFmpeg to stream your webcam on Ubuntu with RTMP
- List with FFmpeg Command Options
- FFmpeg command to convert a MP4 file to HLS format for streaming it
- Automatically create a thumbnail-preview of your live-stream every X minutes using FFmpeg
- Record your stream and auto-convert to mp4 with FFmpeg after stream stopped
- Useful commands for FFmpeg
- Install and use the SRT protocol with srt-live-server
- Access to Netdata or Webmin or anything through a reverse proxy on any configured domain
- How to integrate Putty in WinSCP
- Building http-streaming for use with Videojs
- A simple CLI tool to fetch a HLS stream manifest and segments to save it locally as one video file
- Add CORS support to your server