Motivation behind this website

27 November 2020

So why did I start this new website and share the knowledge we have obtained over the years? Mostly because I believe in the power of the internet, and the power it can bring to a person without them having to resort to hiring third parties that ask a lot of money to fulfill your online demands. In the earlier days, the internet was not at all polluted by commerce like it is nowadays. In a stupid and perhaps crazy attempt to try to maintain some non-commercial corners of the internet, I decided to share the knowledge I've gathered over the last couple of years.

For every service that is offered to you for a lot of money on the internet, there's very often a free or much cheaper alternative, especially if you embrace open-source software. You just have to search a bit beyond Google's search results. For building a live-stream server, this is also very much the case. I love that, and we want to contribute to the internet by sharing this knowledge for free.

I do however, admittedly, have a hidden agenda. I think I might want to offer anybody who doesn't want to get into building a server themselves my services to build it for them. It wouldn't be the first time, since quite a lot of people managed to find me through my YouTube video's and asked me to build them a server. So I thought I might as well offer to do so. But all of this is something for the future. Right now, I'm focusing on other things.

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